“Life has no meaning, but at least it has memes.” – Anonymous

“I used to be a nihilist, but then I realized it didn’t matter.” – Unknown

“If nothing matters, then why does pizza taste so good?” – Unknown

“Life is absurd, but at least we can laugh at it.” – Albert Camus

“Nihilism: the belief that nothing matters… except for maybe snacks.” – Unknown

“I’m not saying life is meaningless, but have you ever tried to assemble IKEA furniture?” – Unknown

“I don’t believe in anything, but I do believe in naps.” – Unknown

“Nihilism: not caring is caring.” – Unknown

“If everything is meaningless, then why does chocolate exist?” – Unknown

“Existential crisis? Nah, I prefer to have an existential comedy hour.” – Unknown

“Life is like a Sim game with a very bored player.” – Unknown

“If life has no purpose, then I choose to make mine eating cake.” – Unknown

“I went searching for the meaning of life, but all I found were dog memes.” – Unknown RIP HUSBAND QUOTES

“Nihilism: the belief that nothing matters, except maybe cats and tacos.” – Unknown

“Life might be meaningless, but at least puppies exist.” – Unknown

“I don’t know what the meaning of life is, but I know it probably involves pizza.” – Unknown

“If nothing matters, then why does Netflix ask if I’m still watching?” – Unknown

“The universe is indifferent, but I’m passionate about nachos.” – Unknown

“Nihilism: the realization that you can never find your lost socks.” – Unknown

“If life has no purpose, then I choose to purposefully eat ice cream.” – Unknown

“I don’t believe in anything, but I do believe in taking naps.” – Unknown

“Life might be meaningless, but at least garlic bread exists.” – Unknown

“Nihilism: the belief that nothing matters… except maybe memes.” – Unknown

“If nothing matters, then why is there always that one person who parks in two spots?” – Unknown