“Fake friends are like shadows, always lurking around but disappearing when things get dark.”

“Fake friends are like algebra, they try to solve your problems, but only end up complicating everything.”

“Fake friends are like Netflix, they only stick around as long as you have something to offer.”

“Some people should come with a warning label: ‘Fake friend, handle with caution.'”

“Fake friends are like a one dollar bill, they pretend to be real but are easily counterfeit.”

“The best way to spot a fake friend? They ask for favors in good times and disappear in bad times.”

“Fake friends are like plastic plants, they may look pretty, but they lack warmth and authenticity.”

“Fake friends are like smartphones, they always seem to have a low battery when you need them the most.”

“Fake friends are like roadmaps, they only lead you astray.”

“A true friend will always be by your side, but a fake friend will give you the cold shoulder.”

“Fake friends are like parking spaces, always taken when you need them.”

“Fake friends are like copy machines, they’re good at making replicas, but they never produce anything original.” FUNNY QUOTES ABOUT FRIENDS BEING FAKE

“Fake friends are like cheap cologne, they may have a strong presence, but they fade away quickly.”

“Fake friends are like winter gloves, they provide temporary warmth but don’t offer genuine comfort.”

“If fake friends were a currency, they would be worthless pennies.”

“Fake friends are like mosquitoes, they suck the life out of you and leave you itching for something real.”

“Fake friends are like broken crayons, they’re only good for coloring outside the lines.”

“A true friend will lend you an umbrella, but a fake friend will steal your sunshine.”

“Fake friends are like broken mirrors, they’ll only show you a distorted reflection of who you are.”

“Some people need a Facebook status update: ‘Fake friend alert, please unfriend immediately.'”

“Fake friends are like a bad WiFi signal, always weak when you need them the most.”

“A true friend is a masterpiece, while a fake friend is a counterfeit painting.”

“Fake friends are like mosquitoes, they’re annoying, and the best solution is to slap them out of your life.”