“Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth!” – Unknown

“Life is like a kaleidoscope. The more you shake it up, the prettier it gets!” – Unknown

“I’m not clumsy, it’s just the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies, and the walls get in my way.” – Unknown

“Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

“Life is too short to be taken seriously. Laugh at yourself!” – Unknown

“I’m not lazy, I’m on energy-saving mode.” – Unknown

“Some days you eat salads and go to the gym, some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put on pants. It’s called balance.” – Unknown

“Life is like a pizza, even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.” – Unknown

“Life is short, buy the shoes, eat the cake, take the trip!” – Unknown

“The key to a happy life is a good sense of humor. Laugh often!” – Unknown

“Life is not a fairy tale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you’re probably drunk.” – Unknown

“Life is not a dress rehearsal. It’s opening night, so give it your best performance!” – Unknown

“My life feels like a test I didn’t study for.” – Unknown

“Life is hard. It’s even harder if you’re stupid.” – John Wayne SHORT QUOTES TO MOTIVATE

“If life gives you lemons, just add vodka.” – Unknown

“I don’t need a hairstylist, my pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning.” – Unknown

“Life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important and capture the good times.” – Unknown

“Life is full of ups and downs. The trick is to enjoy the ups and have courage during the downs.” – Unknown

“I love sleep. My life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake.” – Ernest Hemingway

“Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth!” – Unknown

“Laughter is the best medicine, unless you’re diabetic. Then insulin comes pretty high on the list.” – Unknown

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get…unless you read the little guide on the back.” – Unknown

“Life is too important to be taken seriously.” – Oscar Wilde

“Life is like a rollercoaster, and I’m screaming my head off!” – Unknown

“There is no angry way to say ‘bubbles’.” – Unknown

“I may be a material girl living in a material world, but I’m not pretty in plastic. I’m fabulous in fur!” – Unknown

“Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving…or eat a slice of cake.” – Unknown