“Life insurance: the only thing that pays out when you bet against yourself.”

“I finally found the secret to immortality – life insurance.”

“Life insurance is like a box of chocolates, you never know when you’re gonna need it.”

“Life insurance is the ultimate investment – in someone else’s future.”

“Life insurance: because you never know when a piano might fall on your head.”

“I signed up for life insurance just in case karma wants to collect on its debts.”

“Life insurance – the only policy that pays off when you’re dead wrong.”

“Life insurance is like a cheat code for the game of life.”

“I sleep like a baby knowing my life insurance will take care of me, even in the afterlife.”

“They say money can’t buy happiness, but it can definitely buy a good life insurance policy.”

“Life insurance: the ultimate get-rich-slow scheme.” STRAINED FRIENDSHIP QUOTES

“Life insurance is the best way to ensure your loved ones have something to fight over when you’re gone.”

“I got life insurance so my family can have a nice funeral, complete with an open bar.”

“Life insurance is the one thing that separates the optimists from the realists.”

“Life insurance: because it’s never too early to start planning your own funeral.”

“They say money talks, but in the case of life insurance, it screams ‘peace of mind’.”

“Life insurance is like a safety net on the tightrope of life, except the net is made of money.”

“I’m not saying life insurance is a scam, but it’s definitely a gamble with good odds.”

“Life insurance: the only thing that’s guaranteed to pay out, even if you don’t.”

“Life insurance is like a security blanket for adults – just in case the monsters under the bed are real.”

“I bought life insurance so my kids can hate me even after I’m dead – talk about leaving a lasting legacy!”