“I’m single because I’m strong enough to handle life on my own, but also because no one can handle me.”

“Being single is like a free trial for a relationship, except you don’t have to buy the full version.”

“I’m not single, I’m just romantically challenged.”

“Being single means you always have extra money for chocolate and wine.”

“I have a date with Netflix and my couch. Yes, it’s serious.”

“I’m not single, I’m in a long-term relationship with freedom.”

“I’m single because I haven’t found someone who can handle my level of weirdness.”

“I enjoy long romantic walks… to the fridge.”

“I’m single by choice. The choice of not settling for anyone less than amazing.”

“Being single is like a blank canvas – you can paint your life however you want.”

“I’m so good at being single that I can do it with my eyes closed.”

“My dating life is like a roller coaster ride, and I’m the only one tall enough to ride.”

“Being single is great until you see a couple that is so annoying you start to pity them.”

“Being single means never having to explain why I’m eating a whole pizza by myself.”

“I’m single, not desperate. There’s a big difference.”

“I may be single, but I’m practically in a committed relationship with my bed.” FAMILY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MONEY QUOTES

“I’m single because I’m allergic to emotions, commitment, and bad breath.”

“Being single is like a full-time job. Although, I do get fantastic benefits.”

“I’m not single, I’m in a relationship with freedom and my own happiness.”

“I’m single because I haven’t found someone who can handle both my sarcasm and my love for pizza.”

“Being single means no drama, no compromises, and no sharing my food.”

“I may be single, but I’m not desperate enough to lower my standards.”

“I’m single because I refuse to settle for anything less than extraordinary.”

“Being single is like having a remote control for life. You have complete control over what you do and watch.”

“I don’t need a Prince Charming to rescue me. I’m perfectly capable of rescuing myself.”

“I’m not single. I’m just in a long-term relationship with myself, and it’s going great.”

“Being single means not having to shave your legs unless you feel like it.”

“I’m single because I refuse to compromise my happiness for someone who isn’t worth it.”

“Being single allows me to focus on improving my relationship with chocolate.”

“I’m single and ready to mingle… with pizza, that is.”