“The only way to make good decisions is to have good information. The only way to have good information is to make bad decisions.” – Scott Adams

“Life is a series of choices. I choose to make bad ones and pretend they were intentional.”

“I’m indecisive because I always want the choices I don’t make.”

“Why make a decision when you can just randomly choose and then blame it on fate?”

“Decisions, decisions. Forget about logic, I’ll just go with the option that requires the least amount of effort.”

“I tried making a decision once. It didn’t work out, so now I just let the universe decide for me.”

“Making a decision is like trying to catch a fly with chopsticks. You’ll probably miss, and people will think you’re weird.”

“Sometimes the best decision is to just have a nap and hope the problem solves itself.”

“I don’t need therapy. I just need someone to make decisions for me.”

“Making choices is highly overrated. I prefer to just make really loud, random noises and see what happens.”

“If in doubt, just flip a coin. That way, you can blame all your bad luck on a piece of metal.” BEAUTIFUL QUOTES ABOUT LONELINESS

“Commitment-phobia is just a fancy term for being too lazy to make a decision.”

“Why make a decision when you can just have a mental breakdown and let it all sort itself out?”

“Being decisive means you have to take responsibility. I’m still waiting for the perfect scapegoat.”

“Some people are so indecisive, they can’t even make up their minds about being indecisive.”

“I make decisions the same way I do laundry – with low expectations and a lot of procrastination.”

“My decision-making process is just an elaborate dance between overthinking and spontaneous impulses.”

“Decisions are like toenails – the longer you stare at them, the weirder they get.”

“I’ve decided to embrace my indecisiveness, partially at least.”

“Sometimes the best decisions are the ones you make while you’re not supposed to be thinking.”

“I like to make decisions quickly, so I have more time to worry about whether or not they were the right ones.”