“DNA is like a instruction manual for life, but I swear mine must have included a few typos.”

“I tried to test my DNA for a sense of humor, but it just said ‘error 404: funny bone not found.'”

“They say DNA makes us who we are, but my DNA must have thrown in some random ingredients during the mixing process.”

“I blame my DNA for my lack of coordination, it must have deleted the ‘sporty’ gene.”

“My DNA may be a perfect match for science, but it’s definitely a mismatch for comedy.”

“Did you know that DNA stands for ‘Didn’t Notice Anything’ when it comes to my sense of humor?”

“I asked my DNA if it had a funny bone, and it replied, ‘Negative, I have a literal bone structure only.'”

“My DNA must have forgotten to code for comedic timing, because I always deliver jokes at the worst moments.”

“They say DNA is the building block of life, but mine is more like a Jenga tower with a few crucial pieces missing.”

“I think my DNA got drafted for the boring gene Olympics, because it’s all work and no play.”

“If my DNA had a sense of humor, I would probably be the life of every party. Instead, I’m just the party pooper.”

“My DNA should come with a warning label: ‘May cause spontaneous bursts of randomness and laughter.'”

“I tried to make my DNA laugh, but it just responded with a strand silence.”

“If laughter is contagious, my DNA must be the vaccine.”

“It’s a known fact that laughter is the best medicine, but my DNA is allergic to medicine.” PAMPERING QUOTES FOR FRIENDS

“They say laughter is in our DNA, but I think mine must have been swapped with a code for ‘boredom.'”

“I asked my DNA if it knew any good jokes, and it replied with ‘GCAT,’ which really isn’t that funny.”

“My DNA must have skipped the joke-telling gene and went straight to the ‘serious business’ section.”

“If my DNA was a comedian, it would have a sign that says ‘Caution: May cause excessive eye-rolling.'”

“They say DNA holds the secrets to life, but mine must be keeping the secrets to a good punchline under lock and key.”

“My DNA is a master at telling knock-knock jokes because it always replies with ‘who’s there? Nothing.'”

“I wish my DNA had a subscription to a humor magazine, because it could definitely use some comedic inspiration.”

“My DNA’s idea of comedy is saying ‘that’s what she said’ for every situation, even when it doesn’t fit.”

“My DNA is like a broken record when it comes to humor, always on repeat with the same old jokes.”

“I asked my DNA if it had any funny stories, but it just replied with ‘no pun intended’.”

“My DNA must have forgotten to tell a joke when it was coding me because my sense of humor is seriously missing.”

“They say DNA is a complex code, but when it comes to humor, mine is stuck on ‘404: funny not found’.”

“My DNA is like a comedic black hole, it sucks the fun out of every situation.”

“If my DNA had a sense of humor, my life would be a stand-up comedy special. Instead, it’s more of a sitcom without a laugh track.”