“I don’t have a drinking problem. I drink, I get drunk, I fall down. No problem.”

“Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the Bible says, ‘Love your enemy.'”

“I’m not an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings. I’m a drunk. We go to parties.”

“Friends don’t let friends drink and post on social media.”

“Alcohol: Because no great story ever started with someone eating a salad.”

“I don’t always drink, but when I do, my friends take pictures and use them as blackmail material.”

“Drinking with friends is like therapy but cheaper.”

“I have mixed drinks about feelings.”

“Here’s to alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all life’s problems.” – Homer Simpson

“I told my wife I’m not drinking anymore, now I drink less, but I drink more often.”

“My doctor said I should watch my drinking, so now I drink in front of a mirror.”

“I don’t drink anymore… Just kidding, I never did stop!”

“The problem with drinking and driving is that trees defend themselves very well.”

“Drinking before coming to a decision is like shopping on an empty stomach.”

“Drinking just to cope with life is like using yoga pants to stretch the truth. It doesn’t solve the problem.” HAPPY WEDDING QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Life is too short to sober up.”

“Drinking is not a solution, unless we’re talking about math problems.”

“Don’t drink and drive, it’s better to smoke and fly.”

“My doctor told me to watch my drinking, so now I drink in front of a mirror.”

“If alcohol ever forces you to question if you need another drink, I think we all know what the answer is.”

“My friends and I have an understanding. They don’t judge me while I’m drinking, and I don’t judge them while they’re eating salad.”

“Alcohol: because no great story ever started with someone eating a salad.”

“I told my wife I’m not drinking anymore. Now I drink less, but I drink more often.”

“Drinking buddies are like the limited edition version of friends.”

“Friends come and go, like the waves of the ocean. But the true ones stick, like an octopus on your face.”

“Alcohol: a transitional object for when you’ve outgrown your blankie but still need something fuzzy to hang on to.”

“My friends don’t judge me. They laugh when I fall down drunk and say, ‘Bro, you can’t drink.'”

“I love my friends because they let me be the designated drunk.”