“I really don’t think I need buns of steel. I’d be happy with buns of cinnamon.” – Ellen DeGeneres

“My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch… I call it lunch.” – Unknown

“I decided to go jogging. Around my block. Not for any particular reason, I was just very, very angry.” – Unknown

“I tried exercise but found I was allergic to it. My skin flushed, my heart raced, I got sweaty, and worst of all I felt nauseous. Very allergic.” – Unknown

“I don’t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.” – Unknown

“I don’t exercise because it makes the ice in my glass melt.” – Unknown

“When I exercise, I wear all black. It’s like a funeral for my fat.” – Unknown

“I do yoga to relieve stress. Just kidding, I drink wine in yoga pants.” – Unknown

“I love exercise. I just hate getting tired, sweaty, and out of breath.” – Unknown

“I only run when someone is chasing me, or if there’s a sale happening.” – Unknown

“I don’t need a personal trainer, I need someone to follow me around and slap unhealthy food out of my hand.” – Unknown TAKE ME BACK TO GOOD OLD DAYS QUOTES

“My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a pizza delivery.” – Unknown

“I tried running, but I kept spilling my wine, so I gave up.” – Unknown

“Diets and exercise, they just sound like a lot of work for temporary results. I’ll stick to being fabulous.” – Unknown

“The only six-pack I’ll ever have is a fridge full of beer.” – Unknown

“I may not be the biggest fan of exercise, but I am a fan of sitting on my couch and eating ice cream.” – Unknown

“I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.” – Abraham Lincoln

“I get most of my exercise these days from shaking my head in disbelief.” – Unknown

“I do exercise because it makes me feel energized, and by energized I mean ready for more naps.” – Unknown

“I’m not overweight, I’m just under-tall.” – Unknown

“They say exercise is good for your body, but I’m still waiting for the “good” part to kick in.” – Unknown