“Friends are like stars, you may not always see them, but you know they’re always there for a good time.”

“I’d take hanging out with friends over a fancy dinner any day. Who needs etiquette when you’ve got laughter?”

“Friends don’t let friends do silly things alone.”

“The best moments in life usually happen spontaneously when you’re with friends and just go with the flow.”

“Friends: the only people who can make you laugh until your stomach hurts, even when nothing’s really that funny.”

“Hanging out with friends is like hitting the refresh button for your soul. It’s essential for a happy life.”

“There’s nothing better than seeing your friends and realizing that nothing has changed except for the number of embarrassing stories to share.”

“Life is too short to hang out with people who don’t make you laugh. Surround yourself with friends who bring out your inner comedian.”

“Friendship is when you go over to your friend’s house to drink coffee and end up raiding their fridge like it’s your own.”

“Just hanging out with friends can turn any dull moment into a hilarious adventure.”

“True friendship is when you can be completely yourself, and your friends still think you’re absolutely insane (in the best possible way).”

“Friends are like potatoes, you can never have enough of them, and they’re always there to make your life a little more mashed up.”

“A true friend is someone who knows all your stories, but still wants to hang out with you.” FAITH IN PRAYER QUOTES

“Friendship is the best form of therapy. It’s cheaper, funnier, and way more effective than any counseling session.”

“Happiness is having crazy friends who don’t let you do stupid things alone.”

“Group hangouts are like a circus – full of clowns, silliness, and a whole lot of fun!”

“Friends are the family you choose to hang out with. Choose wisely, and you’ll never have a dull moment.”

“Life is better with friends. It’s like a party where you don’t even need a reason to celebrate.”

“Friends are the sunshine on a rainy day. And if you’re lucky, they’ll join you in jumping in puddles too.”

“Friendship is when you laugh hysterically together, even though you have no idea why you’re laughing in the first place.”

“Friends are the fuel to your laughter engine. Without them, life would be one big silent movie.”

“If you want to be truly happy, find friends who have a contagious laugh. It’s impossible not to smile when you’re around them.”

“Friends don’t let friends do boring things. They turn even the most ordinary situations into a comedy show.”

“Friendship is sharing laughter, inside jokes, and knowing that even the cringiest moments will become hilarious memories.”