“I don’t need a bunch of friends, I just need one who can tolerate me for more than five minutes.”

“I’m not antisocial, I just prefer the company of imaginary friends.”

“Instead of having no friends, I like to think of myself as a charismatic loner.”

“I may not have any friends, but at least I have the entire internet to keep me company.”

“No friends? No problem! More pizza for me!”

“Who needs friends when you have a cat that pretends to listen?”

“I’m so used to having no friends that I’ve started taking selfies with strangers.”

“I’m my own best friend, although I do wish I could borrow some money from myself sometimes.”

“I may not have friends, but I have mastered the art of talking to plants. They never judge.”

“Being friendless is like having a permanent VIP section in solitude.”

“I’d rather have no friends than fake ones. At least I can trust myself to be real.”

“I don’t need friends, I have my own theme song that plays in my head everywhere I go.”

“Friendship is overrated. I prefer deep conversations with my fridge at 2 AM.”

“If life gives you lemons and no friends, make lemonade and enjoy it all by yourself.”

“They say misery loves company, but apparently, no friends love misery.” WHEN YOU KNOW SOMEONE IS CHEATING QUOTES

“Having no friends means I get to watch my favorite shows in peace. Netflix and no chill.”

“No friends might mean no plans, but it also means no drama. I call that a win.”

“Friends come and go, but memes are forever. Thank you, Internet, for always being there.”

“No friends, no problem. I’m an expert at talking to inanimate objects.”

“Who needs friends when you have a microwave that heats up your leftovers perfectly?”

“I’m like a superhero, but instead of saving the world, I save my phone battery by not texting anyone.”

“I may have no friends, but at least I can save all my phone storage for cute puppy videos.”

“I don’t need friends to have a good time. I can entertain myself just fine, thank you very much.”

“Having no friends means no judgment when I sing horribly in the shower. It’s all about perspective.”

“Sure, I have no friends, but that just means I don’t have to share my snacks with anyone.”

“No friends? No problem. I have my imagination, and it’s filled with unlimited imaginary friends.”

“They say birds of a feather flock together, but apparently, I’m a majestic loner flamingo.”

“I may have no friends, but I am always available for high fives. Just ask a mirror!”