“Death is just nature’s way of telling you to slow down.” – Anonymous

“If life gives you lemons, you better hope it doesn’t also give you a premature death sentence.” – Anonymous

“Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.” – Anonymous

“I’m not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” – Woody Allen

“I plan to live forever. So far, so good.” – Steven Wright

“Death is like a free trial for the afterlife. If you don’t like it, you can always cancel.” – Anonymous

“Life is like a sandwich. The more you add to it, the better it becomes. Unless you add too much mayonnaise, then it just becomes a mess.” – Anonymous

“Life is hard, but death is easy. It’s like the difference between running a marathon and taking a nap.” – Anonymous

“Life is like a roller coaster. You can either scream every time there’s a bump, or you can throw your hands up and enjoy the ride.” – Anonymous

“We’re all going to die, so we might as well make each other laugh along the way.” – Anonymous

“Death is the ultimate wake-up call. Unfortunately, most of us hit the snooze button.” – Anonymous

“The only thing certain in life is death and taxes. But at least death doesn’t charge interest.” – Anonymous

“Life is short, but if you spend your whole time worrying about death, it’ll feel like an eternity.” – Anonymous

“Death is just life’s way of saying, ‘You’re not getting any younger.'” – Anonymous

“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know when you’ll get one with a questionable expiration date.” – Anonymous BETH DUTTON FUNNY QUOTES

“Death is like a fine wine. Some people wait for it to arrive, while others embrace it with open arms.” – Anonymous

“Life is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel. But death, well, that’s just plain irony.” – Anonymous

“Death is the ultimate punchline. It’s like the universe’s way of saying, ‘Gotcha!'” – Anonymous

“Life’s too short to take everything seriously. Except death, that’s pretty serious.” – Anonymous

“Death is the grand finale of life. It’s like the last episode of your favorite TV show, except you don’t get to binge-watch it.” – Anonymous

“In the game of life, death is the ultimate high score.” – Anonymous

“Life without death would be like a pie without filling. It might look good on the outside, but it’s pretty empty on the inside.” – Anonymous

“Death is the punchline to life’s eternal joke. And boy, is it a killer.” – Anonymous

“Life is a series of ups and downs, but death is like the ultimate water slide. You either scream all the way down, or you enjoy the ride.” – Anonymous

“Death is like the period at the end of a sentence. It’s the punctuation mark that says, ‘This is the end. No more run-on thoughts.'” – Anonymous

“Life is a roller coaster, death is the sudden stop at the end. So buckle up and enjoy the ride while it lasts.” – Anonymous

“In the circle of life, death is like the timeout, giving you a chance to reflect on all those questionable decisions you made.” – Anonymous

“Death is like a dramatic plot twist in a never-ending soap opera. It keeps us guessing and reminds us that life’s script is unpredictable.” – Anonymous