“Life is unfair. If it wasn’t, I’d have a million dollars, a lake house, and a pet unicorn by now.”

“Life is like a game of cards. Sometimes you get dealt a horrible hand, and all you can do is bluff your way through it.”

“If life gives you lemons, just squeeze them into someone’s eyes.”

“Life is unfair, but remember, so is chocolate! Sometimes you get the gooey center, sometimes you get the hard crust.”

“Life is like a pencil. Sometimes it’s sharp, sometimes it’s dull, but if you keep writing, eventually you get the eraser.”

“Life is unfair, but it’s also unfair to mosquitoes. Imagine dedicating your short life to annoying others and constantly getting slapped.”

“Life is like a roller coaster. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down, and sometimes you’re just stuck in line waiting for it to be over.”

“Life might be unfair, but remember, it’s also unpredictable. So, hold on tight and enjoy the wild ride!”

“Life is unfair, but it’s also funny. Just like trying to tickle yourself and failing miserably.”

“Life is like a sitcom rerun. You never know what you’re gonna get, but at least you can laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.”

“Life is unfair, just like that moment when you finally catch a green light, but then the person in front of you decides to stop and check their phone.” BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT WISE MAN

“Life’s unfairness is like a bad haircut. It’s frustrating but eventually, it grows on you… quite literally.”

“Life is like a game of dodgeball. Sometimes the universe throws balls at your face, but you just have to dodge them and keep moving forward.”

“Life is unfair, but it’s also like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get, but you’ll probably end up eating them all anyway.”

“Life is like a parking lot. It’s full of unexpected bumps and sometimes you end up in someone else’s spot.”

“Life is unfair, just like when you finally get a whole night to sleep, but your brain decides it’s time to throw a party instead.”

“Life is like a selfie. We all put on our best filters to show only the highlights, but deep down, we know the reality isn’t always picture-perfect.”

“Life is unfair, just like the fact that we spend the first half learning how to be adults and the second half dying to return to childhood.”

“Life is like a microwave. Sometimes it heats things up too quickly, leaving you with a burnt mess. But hey, at least you learn not to put foil in there!”

“Life is unfair, just like when you finally figure out the secret to success, but it turns out that secret was just luck.”