“I don’t trust you when I’m sleeping, and that’s saying something.”

“Friends who lie together, cry together. Or at least that’s what they deserve.”

“A lie isn’t a joke, but you sure are one.”

“I could fit all your lies on a fortune cookie strip, that’s how small they are.”

“If being honest was a race, you’d win last place…every time.”

“You should start wearing a ‘Caution: Slippery When Lying’ sign.”

“You’re so good at hiding the truth; have you considered a career in magic?”

“If lies were balloons, you’d be the life of every party.”

“Sometimes I wonder if you’re a friend or a poster child for Pinocchio.”

“Lying isn’t a skill, but you manage to turn it into an art form.”

“When it comes to friendship, honesty is the secret ingredient… which you clearly forgot.” GOD LOVES US QUOTES FROM BIBLE

“I’d trust a shark not to bite me more than I trust you not to lie.”

“You must have majored in deceit in Friendship University.”

“You have a black belt in telling white lies.”

“You should enter the Olympics of lying, you’d take home the gold.”

“If you were Pinocchio, your nose would have burst through the roof by now.”

“You’re living proof that fiction can be stranger than the truth.”

“Are you allergic to honesty, or do you just thrive on deceit?”

“Lies can be colorful, just like your imagination.”

“I can always count on you…to disappoint and deceive.”