“Marines: because even unicorns need bodyguards.”

“Marines don’t die, they just regroup in hell.”

“Why do Marines make great detectives? Because they always follow the footprints in the sand.”

“Marines: making the impossible possible since [insert year of establishment].”

“If chaos is a friend of yours, then Marines are your best buddies.”

“Marines: the only branch of the military that can outdrink a sailor.”

“Marines: the reason the Army has ‘meals ready to eat’ but we have ‘meals ready to obliterate.'”

“Marines: living proof that sweat is just fat crying.”

“Forget about Chuck Norris, I fear the Marine Corps drill instructor.”

“The only thing tougher than a Marine is a Marine’s mom.”

“Marines: where one minute you’re a civilian, the next you’re running through mud, cursing at yourself.”

“Marines: defenders of freedom, destroyers of diets.”

“Marines always have your six, especially when your five is messed up too.”

“Marines: can’t spell ‘semper fi’ without ‘Fi’rst.” QUOTES ABOUT BEING TREATED RIGHT IN RELATIONSHIPS

“Marines breed discipline like the government breeds bureaucracy.”

“Semper Gumby: always flexible, especially when it comes to getting things done the Marine way.”

“Marines: proof that God loves us and wants us to have a good laugh.”

“Marines: where pain is just weakness leaving the body, but laughter is never leaving the soul.”

“Why did the chicken join the Marines? To prove he wasn’t a ‘chicken’ anymore.”

“Marines: they may fight for their country, but they’ll never let you forget their birthday.”

“Marines: tougher than woodpecker lips.”

“If you can’t laugh during boot camp, you’ll probably cry a lot.”

“Marines: the few, the proud, the ones who never turn down a challenge.”

“Why did the Marine bring a ladder to the bar? Because he heard the drinks were on the house!”

“Marines don’t get older, they just level up their combat skills.”

“There’s only one thing stronger than a Marine’s body: their camaraderie.”

“Marines: making heroes out of ordinary people, one funny moment at a time.”