“I asked Siri to find me a girlfriend, and she said, ‘I’m sorry, I can’t do that. But I can help you love yourself.'”

“Online dating is like shopping for a used car. You have to read through all the exaggerated descriptions, swipe through the questionable photos, and hope the person isn’t a lemon.”

“I joined an online dating site and promptly realized I was just window shopping for a human.”

“Online dating: where your profile picture matters more than your actual personality.”

“If online dating were a sport, I’d have a gold medal in ghosting.”

“Finding love online is like finding a needle in a haystack, but sometimes you just have to sift through a lot of hay.”

“Online dating has made everyone a detective. We’re all like The Bachelor, trying to uncover the truth behind someone’s overly-filtered beach photo.”

“I tried online dating, and my biggest takeaway is that rejection feels just as brutal in a virtual world.”

“I’m convinced that online dating was invented by someone who hates modern romance and wanted to sabotage it.”

“Online dating: where you can match with someone, have great conversations, and then remember why you prefer cats.”

“If you want a relationship that lasts, online dating is like buying a plant from IKEA and hoping you can keep it alive.”

“Online dating is like a buffet. You have plenty of options, but you’re never sure if you’ll find something worth staying for.” NO DULL MOMENTS WITH FRIENDS QUOTES

“Do online dating profiles count as fiction writing? Because some of these bios deserve a Pulitzer Prize.”

“Online dating tip: If their profile picture is a group photo, just assume you’ll be dating their entire squad.”

“Online dating makes you feel like a contestant on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, constantly using lifelines to figure out if someone is telling the truth.”

“I’ve realized that online dating is just a delicate dance of managing expectations and restraining oneself from Googling too much.”

“If online dating were a movie, it would be ‘Mission: Impossible’ because finding someone genuine and compatible feels like a mission impossible.”

“Online dating has taught me that it’s important to judge a book by its cover, especially if the cover includes a selfie in the bathroom mirror.”

“Online dating is like a game of Battleship – you shoot your shot and just hope you hit something worthwhile.”

“Online dating is like playing the lottery, except instead of winning money, you might win a brunch date with someone who collects insects as a hobby.”

“When it comes to online dating, the chat is like Alice in Wonderland – you never know where the conversation will take you, but it’s usually down a spiraling rabbit hole of weirdness.”

“Online dating is a great way to meet people who are just as socially awkward in person as you are.”