“I’m not good at keeping secrets, unless it’s my age.” – Unknown

“My best secret-keeping skill? Forgetting what I was supposed to keep a secret about!” – Unknown

“The best way to keep a secret? Tell everyone, but swear them to secrecy.” – Unknown

“I wouldn’t trust me with a secret. I have a face that says, ‘Tell me everything!'” – Unknown

“The biggest secret I’ve ever kept is how I manage to lose so many socks in the laundry.” – Unknown

“Why be a secret agent when you can just be a terrible gossip?” – Unknown

“I’m so bad at keeping secrets, it’s like playing hide and seek with words.” – Unknown

“I’m great at keeping secrets. It’s just that after two minutes, I need someone to tell.” – Unknown

“If you want your secret to be safe, tell it to me. I promise to forget it within seconds.” – Unknown

“I’m like the Bermuda Triangle for secrets. They disappear within my brain.” – Unknown

“Half of my secrets are just me forgetting to mention something important.” – Unknown

“You can trust me with a secret…until I see someone who’s good at keeping secrets.” – Unknown

“My secret-keeping skills are so good, I’ve even kept secrets from myself.” – Unknown

“If you want me to keep a secret, write it down and lock it in a drawer…with a chocolate bar.” – Unknown

“I’m great at keeping secrets…until someone offers me chocolate and promises not to tell.” – Unknown

“I’m the keeper of secrets…until someone tickles me. Then all bets are off.” – Unknown SILLY HUSBAND QUOTES

“I may not be good at keeping secrets, but I excel at forgetting I was told a secret.” – Unknown

“I could be a secret agent, as long as the mission involves telling everyone everything.” – Unknown

“The funniest thing about secrets is how quickly they become public knowledge around me.” – Unknown

“They say a secret is safe with me. I say it’s safer if we all just know about it.” – Unknown

“Want a secret to stay secret? Tell it to a dog. They won’t tell, but they’ll judge you silently.” – Unknown

“I’m like a broken pencil when it comes to secrets. They just can’t stay sharp around me.” – Unknown

“The best secrets are the ones shared with a friend…who has already told everyone else.” – Unknown

“I’m not the best secret-keeper, but I’m great at pretending I didn’t hear anything.” – Unknown

“Secrets are like potato chips, you can’t just have one. You end up with a whole bag of them.” – Unknown

“Can’t keep a secret? Join me, we can start a club called ‘Why Did We Even Try to Keep Secrets?'” – Unknown

“The hardest secrets to keep are the ones involving cookies. They just disappear too fast.” – Unknown

“If you want to keep a secret from me, just put it in a fortune cookie. I won’t read the fortune.” – Unknown

“I’m known for being a vault when it comes to secrets. Like, a rusty, leaky vault.” – Unknown

“There’s a fine line between keeping a secret and wanting to shout it from the rooftops…I usually cross that line pretty quickly.” – Unknown