“Teamwork: when four people do the work that one person could have done if they worked alone.” – Anonymous

“Teamwork makes the dream work, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and a bad team.” – John C. Maxwell

“Teamwork is important; it helps to put the blame on someone else.” – Unknown

“Teamwork is essential; it allows you to blame someone else.” – Woody Allen

“Teamwork is essential when you have no idea what you’re doing.” – Unknown

“Teamwork is when all members have a piece of the puzzle, but no one has everything figured out.” – Anonymous

“Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Unknown

“Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds.” – SEAL Team Saying

“Teamwork is important; it helps you blame someone else.” – Charles Holt

“A successful team is a group of many hands but of one mind.” – Bill Bethel

“Teamwork is giving the ball to someone else who has a better shot.” – Unknown

“Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.” – Unknown KEVIN HART QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“Nothing spells success like teamwork!” – Unknown

“Teamwork makes the workload lighter, and the blame game stronger.” – Unknown

“Teamwork is when everyone in the room is in trouble except you.” – Unknown

“Teamwork is important. It helps you avoid all the work blame.” – Unknown

“Teamwork is the ability to work as a group towards a common vision, even when that vision becomes blurry.” – Unknown

“Teamwork is essential, it means you can always blame someone else.” – Unknown

“Teamwork is important; it helps you blame someone else.” – Unknown

“Teamwork is when everyone else does the work, and you take the credit.” – Unknown

“Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to achieve uncommon results.” – Unknown

“Teamwork is essential– it allows you to blame someone else.” – Unknown

“When the going gets tough, the tough form a team.” – Unknown