“Valentine’s Day: the holiday that reminds you that if you don’t have a special someone, you’re alone and you’re going to die.” – Aziz Ansari

“Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to reflect on all your horrible dating choices and remind yourself that you’re better off alone.” – Unknown

“Valentine’s Day is for couples. All singles can enjoy themselves by eating ice cream directly from the container.” – Unknown

“Roses are red, violets are blue, vodka costs less than a dinner for two.” – Unknown

“Who needs love when you can have chocolate?” – Unknown

“Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to show someone you care by pretending to love them more than you actually do.” – Unkown

“Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it’s probably crap.” – Unknown

“Valentine’s Day: the holiday that reminds single people they have no one to buy them heart-shaped boxes of chocolate so they have to buy it themselves.” – Unknown

“I can’t wait for Valentine’s Day. I get to eat all the chocolate I bought for myself without feeling guilty.” – Unknown

“Valentine’s Day is the ultimate test of your relationship, determining who can tolerate cheesy gifts and forced romantic gestures.” – Unknown

“Valentine’s Day: when love is in the air, and you can smell it through the chocolates and flowers.” – Unknown

“Being single on Valentine’s Day means only one thing: you’re one step closer to discounted chocolates on February 15th.” – Unknown

“Valentine’s Day is a reminder that love is all about buying expensive gifts and going broke.” – Unknown MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES FOR FEELING ALONE

“Valentine’s Day is like a box of chocolates, mostly filled with regret and disappointment.” – Unknown

“Why celebrate Valentine’s Day when every day is a reminder that love doesn’t exist?” – Unknown

“If Valentine’s Day is for couples, then the day after Valentine’s Day should be for single people. It can be called Independence from Financial Ruin Day.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind, but if you’re single on Valentine’s Day, it’s more like love is a five-car pileup you can’t look away from.” – Unknown

“Relationship status on Valentine’s Day: More cheese than a heart-shaped pizza with extra toppings.” – Unknown

“Love is in the air, but so is the smell of desperation from singles on Valentine’s Day.” – Unknown

“Valentine’s Day should come with a warning label: ‘May cause unrealistic expectations and unnecessary disappointment.'” – Unknown

“If history has taught us anything, it’s that your ex will suddenly text you on Valentine’s Day just to remind you they exist.” – Unknown

“Valentine’s Day: the only day where you can buy a card that perfectly sums up your apathy towards relationships.” – Unknown

“Valentine’s Day is a reminder that, for some of us, finding a soulmate is about as likely as winning the lottery… on Mars.” – Unknown

“Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to remind yourself that all those romantic comedies have lied to you about love.” – Unknown

“Valentine’s Day: the holiday where jewelry companies convince you that eternal love is measured in carats.” – Unknown