“I write to procrastinate from doing all the other things I should be doing.”

“Writer’s block is just my brain taking a momentary vacation to Tahiti.”

“I’ve learned that writing a novel is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle, except all the pieces are missing and you have no idea what the final picture should look like.”

“Writing is the only profession where you can spend hours staring at a blank page and call it work.”

“A well-balanced writer is one who has a chip on both shoulders.”

“I’m not a writer, I’m a dentist – I like to extract words one by one.”

“Writing is easy, it’s the sitting down and starting part that’s hard.”

“Writing is like driving a car at night. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.”

“I always carry a pen and paper, because you never know when inspiration will strike and you’ll desperately need to write down a grocery list or a random thought.”

“Writing is like a workout for the brain, except my brain prefers to be a couch potato.”

“Writing is the perfect profession for introverts. We get to stay home alone with our thoughts and avoid all human interaction.”

“My first draft is just me typing ‘blah blah blah’ over and over again until it turns into a coherent story.” SELF HATE QUOTES

“Writer’s block is just an excuse for writers to spend more time napping and drinking coffee.”

“I don’t suffer from writer’s block, I enjoy every minute of it.”

“I envy writers who can outline their entire story before starting. My writing process is more like driving without a GPS and hoping I end up in the right destination.”

“Writing is the only job where you get to make up your own language, pretend you’re someone else, and create your own imaginary world. It’s basically like being a wizard.”

“There’s nothing more satisfying than deleting an entire chapter you spent hours writing and realizing your story is even better without it.”

“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”

“If writing was easy, everyone would be a bestselling author. Thank goodness for low entry barriers!”

“The best thing about writing is the excuse it gives you to do extensive research on obscure topics like ‘The History of Toe Socks’ or ‘The Life Cycle of a Housefly’.”

“Writing is the only profession where you can stare off into space and claim you’re ‘deep in thought’ instead of being accused of daydreaming.”

“Writing a book is like giving birth, except instead of a baby, you end up with a bundle of words that you hope someone will love as much as you do.”