“Easter: the only time it’s safe to put all your eggs in one basket.”

“Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.”

“Easter candy is 50% off the day after Easter. I call that ‘The Hunt for Discount Chocolate!’”

“Eggs-cuse me, where can I find the Easter bunny? I need to borrow some eggs.”

“I’m not saying I love Easter candy, but I wouldn’t mind finding a chocolate bunny in my backyard every weekend.”

“Easter is the one day it’s okay to put all your eggs in one basket. Literally.”

“Eggs-cuse me, do you have any chocolate to spare? I’m experiencing a serious egg-mergency!”

“Easter bunnies hop around delivering chocolate. I bet they’re the only delivery drivers who don’t get honked at.”

“Why did the Easter egg hide? Because it was a little chicken!”

“What happened when the Easter Bunny met the Taxman? He got a lot of HOP-pings!”

“No matter how old you are, an empty Easter egg makes you feel a little sad and cheated.”

“Easter is the only time when it’s acceptable to put all your eggs in one basket. Unless you’re a chicken farmer.”

“Easter is nature’s way of telling us to eat more chocolate.” HEART TOUCHING TEACHERS DAY QUOTES

“My fitness goal for Easter is to chase the Easter Bunny until he drops all his chocolate.”

“Easter: the one day when it’s socially acceptable to eat chocolate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

“Why did the Easter egg hide? Because he was a little shellfish!”

“My favorite bunny is the Cadbury kind. You know, the one that comes in a wrapper!”

“At Easter, let your inner child out and join the mad dash for chocolate eggs!”

“If you hear the sound of clucking and hopping on Easter morning, it’s probably the Eggo bunny delivering chicken and waffles instead of chocolate.”

“Easter is the only time of the year when it’s okay to put all your eggs in one hunt.”

“Why did the Easter Bunny join the circus? Because he was a hoppin’ success!”

“Easter is the perfect time to show your loved ones how egg-cellent they are.”

“If chocolate isn’t a cure for sadness, then I don’t know what is. Easter blessings to all!”

“Easter eggs are like people: they come in all shapes, sizes, and sometimes they’re filled with surprises!”

“The Easter Bunny must have some impressive biceps from carrying all those baskets of chocolates!”