“Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.” – Unknown

“Don’t be sad because it’s over, smile because it happened… and we have a great reason to visit!” – Unknown

“Friends come and go like the waves of the ocean, but the true ones leave footprints in your heart.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Distance means so little when someone means so much. But hey, at least you’ll have an excuse to travel!” – Unknown

“You’re not really moving away, you’re just joining an exclusive long-distance friendship club.” – Unknown

“If I had a dollar for every friend who moved away, I’d have enough money to visit all of them.” – Unknown

“We may be far apart, but nothing can break the bond of our friendship…except maybe dodgy internet connection.” – Unknown

“Don’t worry about the distance, my friend. Our friendship can conquer any GPS signal!” – Unknown

“Moving away? It better be for a good reason because you’re leaving a lot of unpaid debts at the humor bank!” – Unknown

“You can move away, but you can’t escape our frequent video calls and crazy group chats.” – Unknown

“Time to rock some long-distance friendship like pros!” – Unknown

“Moving away is like changing the channel, but our friendship will always have reruns.” – Unknown

“Remember, distance doesn’t dim the light of true friendship. It only makes it shine brighter when we meet again.” – Unknown

“Sure, you can have a new address, but you can’t escape my hilarious memes and daily jokes!” – Unknown FATHER TO A MURDERED SON QUOTE

“Our friendship can handle any distance, as long as we can find good Wi-Fi.” – Unknown

“You’re moving away? Fine, but you’re taking a piece of my heart with you… and some of my borrowed stuff!” – Unknown

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll just be over here demanding souvenirs and sending random embarrassing photos for your new friends.” – Unknown

“Your moving away will only make our reunion parties and adventures even more epic! Now, who’ll plan the snacks?” – Unknown

“I’m still waiting for the ‘It was just a prank!’ announcement any day now.” – Unknown

“Leaving town? I’ll miss you so much… I mean the free meals I used to get at your place.” – Unknown

“Sure, you can leave, but can your new friends appreciate your weirdness as much as I do?” – Unknown

“Moving away is just the universe’s way of testing how strong our friendship truly is. Bring it on!” – Unknown

“Can you promise that wherever you go, you’ll set up a shrine dedicated to our friendship and place it in your new house?” – Unknown

“If you’re moving to a place with better weather, consider this a weather-based betrayal.” – Unknown

“Don’t forget our secret handshake, because that’s how I’ll recognize you when we finally meet again.” – Unknown

“Sure, you’re moving away, but you can’t run away from my jokes and terrible dance moves!” – Unknown

“Some friends are like stars; you don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there. Even if they’re in a different time zone!” – Unknown