“Education is important, but a big party at the end of the year is even more important.”

“High school: where lipstick stains and permanent marker doodles are the ultimate form of communication.”

“If school isn’t a jungle, then why do they call it a ‘class’room?”

“I didn’t come to school to learn, I came to socialize and occasionally get a passing grade.”

“Life is short, so study hard but party harder.”

“School: the only place where you’ll see people rebound quicker than in a basketball game.”

“Education is valuable, but wifi is priceless.”

“School is like a GPS for life, except it only gives directions while driving in reverse.”

“The only math I understand is the number of days left until summer break.”

“The only way to survive high school is to find humor in the cafeteria food.”

“Who needs a calculator when you have fingers?”

“Dear Sleep, sorry we broke up in high school. Remember those times when you used to be my everything?”

“I may forget what I learned in high school, but I’ll never forget the friendships and memories I made.”

“High school: the place where growth spurts and fashion blunders go hand in hand.”

“Dear Yearbook, thanks for reminding me of all the questionable hairstyles and fashion choices I made.” FUNNY GOOD NEIGHBOR QUOTES

“School is the one place where you’re rewarded for sitting down and being quiet.”

“We may be graduating, but we’ll always remain kids at heart.”

“In high school, the three ‘R’s meant Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Now it’s Reddit, Reacting, and Really?!?”

“High school is like a roller coaster ride – scary, exciting, and sometimes makes you want to throw up.”

“The best part of high school is realizing that you survived it.”

“When life gives you tests, use all the pencils you can find.”

“High school: where the drama unfolds like a bad soap opera, but with more homework.”

“Education is important, but big hair and shoulder pads are essential to surviving the ’80s.”

“High school is the only place where we’re praised for sitting down and listening for hours on end.”

“In high school, patience is the ability to keep a straight face while the teacher writes an equation on the board.”

“High school: where we learned to pronounce “polynomial” but never understood it.”

“The secret to surviving high school is a combination of caffeine and sarcasm.”

“High school: where we learned that Algebra wasn’t just a math class, it was a weapon of mass confusion.”