“Having siblings is like having built-in best friends who never leave your side, no matter how annoying you are.”

“Sisters are like thorns, irritating yet beautiful.”

“Brothers are like superheroes, irritating yet always there to save the day.”

“Being an older sister means stepping into the role of a second mother, even if it means stealthily stealing their favorite snacks.”

“Having a younger brother is like having a live-in comedian, constantly cracking jokes and making you laugh.”

“Siblings: the only people who know the embarrassing stories of your past and are willing to use them against you at any given moment.”

“Having a sister means that there will always be someone to steal your clothes, but also someone to share your secrets and dreams with.”

“A brother is a built-in playmate who can transform even the most boring of days into an adventure.”

“Having a sibling means always having a partner in crime, whether it’s getting into trouble or plotting against the parents.”

“Siblings: the people who know all your strengths and weaknesses, but love you unconditionally anyway.”

“Having a sister is like having a permanent shoulder to cry on, gossip partner, and fashion advisor all in one.”

“Having a brother means having someone to protect you from the monsters under the bed, even if they’re the ones scaring you.” MISSING FATHER AFTER DEATH QUOTES

“Siblings: the only people who can annoy you to the brink of insanity, but also make you laugh until your stomach hurts.”

“Growing up with a sister means always having someone to practice makeup and hairstyles on, even if they end up looking ridiculous.”

“Brothers: the masterminds behind epic childhood pranks and the ones who teach you how to toughen up.”

“Having a sibling is like having a built-in partner for every childhood adventure and mischief.”

“Sisters: the only people who can annoy you by just breathing, yet have your back no matter what.”

“Brothers: the only people who can tease you relentlessly but will become fiercely protective when someone else tries to do the same.”

“Growing up with a sister is like having a permanent roomie who borrows your clothes without asking and spills tea like there’s no tomorrow.”

“Siblings: the reason why family gatherings are both chaotic and incredibly entertaining.”

“Having a brother means always having someone to challenge you, physically and mentally, pushing you to become a better version of yourself.”

“Sisters: the ones who can turn an ordinary day into a laughter-filled adventure just by being there.”