“I smile because you’re my daughter. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Having a daughter is like having a built-in best friend who’s always up for a laugh.”

“My mom always told me I wouldn’t accomplish anything by laying in bed all day. But look at me now, I’m an accomplished napper!”

“No matter how old my daughter gets, she’ll always be my little sassy princess.”

“You’re not just a daughter to me. You’re my partner-in-crime, my secret-keeper, and my constant source of amusement.”

“The best part of being your mom is getting to witness all of your hilarious moments and embarrassing situations.”

“I never knew how much love my heart could hold until I became a mother…and realized it also needs a lot of laughs to stay sane.”

“A daughter is God’s way of saying, ‘Thought you could use a little more laughter in your life!'”

“Life is short, eat dessert first…especially when your daughter bakes like a pro!”

“You’re like a mini-me, only smarter, funnier, and so much cooler!”

“Raising a daughter is like growing a beautiful flower garden. Except the flowers talk back and think they know everything!”

“As a mother, it’s my duty to embarrass my daughter every chance I get. It’s like a game we play…and I always win.”

“It’s a well-known fact that daughters are born with infinite sass. It’s up to the mother to cultivate it into a sharp sense of humor!”

“Watching my daughter grow up has been a mix of joy, laughter, and a whole lot of ‘What on earth is she doing now?’ moments.”

“I used to make funny faces at you when you were a baby, and now, you’re still making me laugh with your silly expressions!”

“My daughter has a PhD in sarcasm, and I have a PhD in laughing at her sarcastic remarks.” QUOTES FOR BEST PERSON

“The secret to a strong mother-daughter bond? A shared appreciation for witty banter and a good sense of humor.”

“They say that daughters imitate their mothers, so I’ve made it my mission to be the funniest person on earth!”

“I hope when my daughter grows up, she’ll remember our fun-filled moments and laugh together, even when life gets tough.”

“I can always count on my daughter to keep me young by constantly making me laugh – or cry from laughing too much!”

“Having a daughter means living in a permanent comedy sketch where unexpected hilarity and laughter are the norm.”

“I used to think I knew what love was… until I had a daughter who could make me laugh even on the worst of days.”

“As a mother, my role is to be both a guiding light and a source of comic relief for my daughter.”

“You’ve inherited my sense of humor, which means we’re twice as hilarious when we’re together!”

“Laughter is the glue that holds a mother and daughter together, even when they’re covered in glitter and stuck in a hilarious DIY fail.”

“You’re not just my daughter, you’re also my favorite comedian.”

“A daughter’s laughter is an infectious sound that can brighten even the gloomiest of days.”

“My daughter often asks me for my opinion, but she never warned me that my sarcasm would be included as a bonus!”

“I’m so proud to be your mother, because you’ve inherited my sense of humor and can always make me laugh until my sides hurt!”

“When life gets tough, it’s important to remember that laughter is just a phone call away…especially when you’re calling your daughter!”