“I’m not saying I have a Wonderbra on, but I am saying if I stumble, I can pull myself back up.” – Dolly Parton

“Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field… just like my boobs!”

“If you can’t impress them with your intelligence, baffle them with your boobs.”

“I’m not only a boob enthusiast, I’m also an advocate for their right to exist!”

“I’m not saying my boobs are magic, but I have made a few things disappear between them.”

“My boobs may not be perfect, but they’re definitely a-moozing to look at.”

“My boobs have their own zip code, they’re so big!”

“Boobs – the ultimate weightlifting equipment!”

“If life gives you lemons, squeeze them between your boobs and make some lemonade!”

“Boob math: two in the bra equals one in the hand!”

“If men can look at my boobs, I can look at their beer bellies!”

“I may not have the curves of a Kardashian, but my boobs are a work of art!” FATHER BOB MAGUIRE QUOTES

“I’ve got 99 problems, and my boobs solve at least 50 of them!”

“My boobs are like a gravitational pull – they always attract attention!”

“Boobs are nature’s stress balls – squeeze them when life gets tough!”

“Boobs are like a good book – they may be judged by their cover, but it’s what’s inside that truly matters!”

“I don’t need a crystal ball to predict the future, I’ve got my boobs and they never let me down!”

“My boobs are so talented, they can make a shirt look busy even in a plain color.”

“Having big boobs is like having a superpower – they can knock over drinks, clear a path, and attract paparazzi!”

“Boobs are like an all-access pass – once you’ve seen them, you feel like a VIP!”

“When life gets tough, wear a push-up bra to boost your confidence!”

“Boobs are like a piece of art – they inspire admiration, conversation, and sometimes even a double-take!”