“Dad jokes aren’t just jokes, they are a whole new level of comedy.”

“Dad: the original fixer of all things broken…especially our spirits.”

“Behind every great dad is a person pretending to be a grown-up.”

“Dad: a bank where you can always borrow money, as long as you promise to pay it back.”

“You know you’re a dad when your jokes become a form of punishment.”

“Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts!”

“Dad: the man who taught us that random facts are necessary for survival.”

“Dad: the only superhero who can fix things without a cape.”

“I asked my dad if he ever tried to be a chef. He said no, but he does know how to nuke a hot dog to perfection.”

“Dad: the one who never fails to embarrass us in public, but somehow manages to make it hilarious.”

“My dad thinks he’s a comedian, but he’s really just a dad with a captive audience.”

“Dad jokes are like photosynthesis – nobody really understands them, but they’re vital for the existence of dad humor.”

“Why did the dad teach his kids to whisper at the library? Because silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.” LOVE QUOTES TO GIRLFRIEND IN ENGLISH

“Dads are like boomerangs – I hope.”

“My Dad is like a keyboard: annoying, yet I can’t live without him.”

“Every dad’s favorite kind of music? ‘Dad’ rock!”

“Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts!”

“My dad may not be the best at telling jokes, but he’s definitely the best at laughing at them.”

“My dad’s brain is like an internet browser, with 19 tabs open and no clue where the music is coming from.”

“Some people call their dad a superhero. I call mine Clark Griswold.”

“Dad: the only person who says ‘I’m not tired’ while yawning continuously.”

“My dad doesn’t need social media to be a great dad because he’s already on Dadbook.”

“I used to hate dad jokes, but then I became a dad and now I understand their power.”

“If dad jokes were a sport, my dad would definitely win a gold medal.”