“Dad, you’re the first person I text when I need money.”

“Thanks for not telling Mom about that time I snuck out. You’re the real MVP, Dad.”

“Dad, thanks for teaching me how to change a tire. Now I can confidently call AAA when I get a flat.”

“Life doesn’t come with a manual, but it comes with a Dad.”

“Dear Dad, thanks for always pretending to be interested in my long stories.”

“Dad, you’re my role model… especially for all the dad jokes.”

“Dad, you’ve mastered the art of embarrassing me in public. Well done.”

“Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field, just like you, Dad!”

“Dad, you may not have a fancy superhero costume, but you’re my hero nonetheless.”

“I wouldn’t trade you for anything, Dad. Even if someone offered me a lifetime supply of ice cream.”

“Dad, thanks for always being my personal Uber driver… before Uber even existed.”

“I hope I’m as cool as you when I become a parent. Not that I’m rushing into that anytime soon, Dad.”

“Dad, you may not be perfect, but at least you’re not on TikTok yet.”

“Dad, you taught me how to ride a bike and how to drive. I can’t wait for the day you teach me how to be rich.” FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT FAST FOOD

“Dad, I’m sorry for all the gray hair I’ve caused you. But at least now you look even wiser.”

“Sometimes I wonder if I got my smartass attitude from you, Dad. Then I remember, yes, of course, I did.”

“Dad, thanks for always being there to kill the spiders. I promise I’ll still call for help when I move out.”

“You may not know all the latest slang, Dad, but you’re still the hippest dad I know.”

“Having you as my dad is like having a built-in Google for all of life’s questions.”

“Dad, you’re my go-to person for free tech support. I should start charging you in hugs instead.”

“Dad, I have your nose and your sense of humor. Sorry about the nose.”

“Dad, thanks for letting me win arguments when I’m clearly wrong. It boosts my confidence.”

“Dad, you’re the coolest guy I know… except when you try to dance.”

“Who needs a superhero when I have a Dad like you?”

“Dad, thanks for always pretending to understand my jokes. You’re the best audience I could ask for.”

“Dad, I know I’m your favorite child… even though I’m your only child.”