“Son, remember that money doesn’t grow on trees. It does grow in your dad’s wallet though!”

“I used to have a lot of money before I had you. Now I just have a lot of love… and bills!”

“Hey son, I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom… who sometimes embarrasses you in front of your friends!”

“Son, do you know why I always carry a pen with me? Because I don’t want to miss any opportunity to embarrass you by signing autographs!”

“You know, son, you did a great job teaching me patience. I mean, who else can test my limits like you?”

“Son, do you ever wonder if you were adopted? Because I’m pretty sure you’re too cool to be mine!”

“I hope you inherited your dad’s muscles because all I passed on to you is my sense of humor!”

“Son, I may not be a superhero, but I do have my own special power – knowing everything you think before you say it!”

“Remember, son, the secret to staying young is to have fun with your kids… and secretly adding hair dye to your shampoo!”

“Son, just like wine, I get better with age. And just like you, I need a lot of time to breathe!”

“I may not have a cape, but I’m your Supermom. I can clean, cook, work, and still find time to embarrass you!”

“I always said that I wanted to be the best mom, but let’s face it, son, even my regular mom skills are out of this world!”

“Son, I think we should write a book together – ‘1000 Ways to Drive Mom Crazy.’ We can call it our bestseller!”

“You know, son, I used to be cool before I had you… like, really cool. But hey, now I’m just your mom – the coolest job ever!”

“Son, I know you’re like your dad in many ways, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a little more of my perfectness!”

“Remember, son, behind every great man is a mother who’s secretly correcting his grammar!” QUOTES ON PRINCESS DIANA

“Someday, son, you’ll realize that I’m a genius. Until then, you’ll just have to trust me and keep failing silently!”

“Son, I’ve taught you everything you know, but not everything I know. Some secrets, like my age, are meant to be kept hidden!”

“Hey son, do you want to know what’s worse than being grounded? Having a mom who can’t stop dancing at your school events!”

“Son, remember that walking around shirtless will impress no one… except maybe the mosquitoes!”

“You know, son, despite all the mess you create, I still manage to find the missing socks you blame the washing machine for!”

“Son, I hope you’ll love my grandkids as much as I love embarrassing you in public!”

“When you’re old and in need of assistance, don’t worry, I’ll be there to help you – by telling everyone embarrassing stories from your childhood!”

“One day, son, you’ll understand why I used to turn off the lights before you finished your video games – not to save electricity, but to save my sanity!”

“Son, let’s make a deal – I’ll stop embarrassing you at family gatherings when you stop asking for money!”

“If life gives you lemons, call me, and I’ll make lemonade. If life gives you your mother’s humor, just try to survive it with a smile!”

“Son, I hope you know that my love for you is like Netflix – it never stops buffering and lasts forever!”

“Remember, son, no matter how famous you become, I’ll always be the star of your life – the one who knows all your secrets!”

“Son, I may not be your favorite person to hang out with, but remember, I’m the OG who taught you how to walk and talk!”

“Hey son, do you know why your dad and I had you? Because someone needed to laugh at my jokes and appreciate my mom dances!”