“I always read before I go to bed. My dreams are so funny, I could write a book about them.”

“Books are like a friend who tells jokes all the time, except they don’t actually talk back. It’s perfect.”

“I can’t resist a good book. It’s like chocolate – I just have to have it.”

“Reading is my escape from reality. But then I realize that the characters in the book have more exciting lives than I do.”

“I have a love-hate relationship with books. I love reading them, but hate finishing them because then the story is over.”

“I don’t need therapy, I just need a good book and a cup of coffee.”

“Books are my favorite workout equipment. I can lift them, carry them around, and even do curls with them.”

“I’m not addicted to reading, I just have a really strong literary metabolism.”

“Friends come and go, but books will always be there to make me laugh.”

“One does not simply walk into a bookstore and leave without buying anything.”

“I may forget people’s names, faces, and birthdays, but I will never forget a character from a book.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FOR THE LOSS OF A HUSBAND

“Books are like tacos – you can never have just one.”

“Life is too short to read bad books. Unless it’s a really funny bad book. Then it’s totally worth it.”

“I have a black belt in bookworm-ery. It’s a highly underrated martial art.”

“I fold the corners of pages to mark my favorite quotes. My books hate me for it, but I just can’t help myself.”

“If reading were a competitive sport, I would have a room full of gold medals and a bookshelf overflowing with trophies.”

“I’m not clumsy, I’m just doing research for my future book titled ‘Tripping Over Words: A Memoir’.”

“Books are the true fountain of youth. Every time I read, I feel like a kid again.”

“If you see me reading a book and laughing like a maniac, don’t worry, I’m just having a great time with my fictional friends.”

“I keep a book by my side at all times. You never know when there will be a reading emergency.”

“I may have a long list of unfinished projects, but finishing a good book takes priority. Because it’s important to have your priorities straight!”