“I’m not just good at what I do, I’m so good that someone should probably write a song about me.”

“I may not be the life of the party, but I’m definitely the reason people stay.”

“I’m like a fine wine – I get better with age. And I’m really good at pairing myself with cheese.”

“I promise I won’t talk about myself all the time. Just 90% of the time.”

“I’m not saying I’m the best, but Google did list me as the top result for ‘awesome person.'”

“I’m just a person, standing in front of a mirror, asking it to tell me how amazing I look.”

“If self-promotion was a job, I’d be the CEO.”

“I’m not bragging, I’m just explaining why I’m awesome.”

“Did you hear about the award for the best self-promoter? Yeah, I won it.”

“They say ego is a bad thing, but I like to call it self-confidence on steroids.”

“I don’t always talk about myself, but when I do, I make sure it’s the most interesting conversation you’ll ever have.”

“I’m so good at promoting myself, I could sell ice to an Eskimo.”

“Self-promotion is like a fine art, and I’m Picasso with a keyboard.”

“I don’t need a spotlight, because I shine on my own.” FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT SLEEP AND INTELLIGENCE

“I’m a walking, talking commercial for myself. And I have amazing ratings.”

“I may not have a cape, but I’m definitely a superhero in the art of self-promotion.”

“If confidence had a face, it would probably look like mine.”

“I’m not just a legend in my own mind, I’m a legend in everyone’s mind.”

“I’m like a human Swiss Army knife – I have a skill for every situation.”

“I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I did come pretty close in the self-promotion department.”

“I don’t need a PR team, because I’m my own one-man show.”

“I don’t need validation from others, because I’m already my own biggest fan.”

“They say actions speak louder than words, but in my case, my words are pretty darn loud too.”

“If humility was my middle name, it would be Humblebrag McAwesome.”

“I know I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, but who wants to be tea when you can be a double shot of espresso?”

“I don’t always promote myself, but when I do, it’s with a wink and a smile.”