“I’m not lazy, I’m just on cat time.”

“Sleeping is my cardio.”

“I live by the motto: Eat, Sleep, Repeat.”

“I don’t usually snore, but when I do, it’s adorable.”

“My dream job? Professional sleeper.”

“I’m not ignoring you, I’m just in a deep sleep state.”

“Sleeping is my superpower.”

“I’m not addicted to sleep, I just can’t resist its charm.”

“I’m not a morning person, or an afternoon person. I’m a forever sleepy person.”

“Napping: the ultimate form of self-love.”

“If sleeping were an Olympic sport, I’d win gold every time.” LEONARD COHEN BEAUTIFUL LOSERS QUOTES

“I don’t need an alarm clock, my cat is my snooze button.”

“When life gets tough, take a cat nap.”

“I don’t always sleep, but when I do, I look darn cute doing it.”

“I could sleep for a thousand years and still wake up looking fabulous.”

“My spirit animal? Definitely a hibernating cat.”

“Sleeping is my favorite hobby, closely followed by eating and being adored.”

“I may be a cat, but I’ve mastered the art of relaxation.”

“I’ve reached expert level in the art of falling asleep anywhere, anytime.”

“Anyone who says cats are lazy clearly hasn’t seen my sleep schedule.”

“If laziness were a profession, I would be the CEO.”