“I’m sorry for being such a klutz, but you should be used to it by now!”

“I’m not just saying sorry, I’m saying sorry with a side of humor!”

“I’m sorry if my sarcasm was too advanced for you, but I can’t help it!”

“I apologize for any tears I may have caused from laughing too hard at your expense.”

“Sorry I’m late, but I was busy being fashionably late.”

“I’m sorry for the mean, embarrassing and utterly hilarious things I’ve said about you behind your back. Let’s laugh it off, shall we?”

“I apologize for stealing your food, but you know, desperate times call for desperate measures.”

“Sorry I didn’t text you back, my phone had a severe case of laziness.”

“I’m sorry for the damage I’ve caused to your dignity, but let’s be honest, you never had much to begin with!”

“Sorry for being a bad influence on you, but let’s face it, we’re both a mess!”

“I apologize for any inconvenience my stupidity may have caused you. It’s a full-time job, you know!”

“Sorry for stealing your heart, but hey, it’s not my fault it was so easy!”

“I apologize for my witty and sarcastic remarks, but let’s be real, that’s why you love me!” LITERACY QUOTES FOR STUDENTS

“Sorry for the countless times I’ve embarrassed you in public. It’s not my fault you’re so entertaining!”

“I’m sorry for being late, but I had to stop and pet every dog I saw on the way here.”

“I apologize for my snappy comebacks, but I can’t resist the opportunity to flex my comedic muscles!”

“Sorry for my impeccable fashion sense that always outshines you. It’s a burden I must bear.”

“I’m sorry for making you spit out your drink with my witty jokes. You owe me a new shirt!”

“Sorry for being such a disaster in life, but hey, at least you have great entertainment!”

“I apologize for my excessive use of puns. It’s a hard habit to break, so bear with me!”

“Sorry for being obnoxiously hilarious all the time. It’s a curse I must endure.”

“I’m sorry if my laughter has ever caused you embarrassment. I can’t help it, your misfortune is just too funny!”

“Sorry for all the times I’ve made you snort with laughter. It’s a side effect of being friends with me!”

“I apologize for always having a funny story to tell, but it’s better than being boring, right?”

“Sorry for being weirdly awesome, but you’re welcome for the constant entertainment!”