“Daylight Saving Time: Because who doesn’t love the feeling of losing an hour of sleep?”

“I don’t have spring in my step, I have Daylight Saving Time in my step.”

“Springing forward: A great excuse for showing up late to everything.”

“You know it’s spring when you set your clock forward and your cat is still staring at you, waiting for breakfast.”

“Spring forward, fall backward. How about we just all agree to lay down and take a nap instead?”

“Daylight Saving Time: The annual reminder that you have way too many clocks in your house.”

“I love spring, but I love my snooze button more.”

“Springing forward is like giving time a friendly little shove. You’re welcome, time!”

“Daylight Saving Time: The time of year when even the sun can’t figure out what time it is.”

“With Daylight Saving Time, even the clock wants to put off waking up.”

“Spring forward? More like spring sidewards, as I stumble through the day half-awake.”

“Daylight Saving Time: Because life wasn’t already short enough.”

“Spring forward: The one time of year when I appreciate the snooze button more than ever.” 3RD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY WISHES QUOTES

“If I had a dollar for every time I forgot to set my clock forward, I’d be a billionaire.”

“Daylight Saving Time: The spring equivalent of a Monday morning.”

“Springing forward is like resetting the “Keep Calm and Carry On” clock in my brain.”

“Spring forward: The best time of year to run late and blame it on time confusion.”

“Daylight Saving Time: The ultimate test of our ability to adapt to anything.”

“Springing forward is just a fancy way of saying “let’s make everyone late for church on Sunday.””

“Daylight Saving Time: The one time of year when time gets to mess with us instead of the other way around.”

“Springing forward means my dreams of becoming a morning person get pushed back even further.”

“Daylight Saving Time: Ruining sleep schedules since forever.”

“Spring forward: The official season for accidentally arriving at the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“With Daylight Saving Time, it’s like the clock is gaslighting me into thinking I’m losing my mind.”

“Springing forward? More like springing sideways and stumbling over my own feet.”