“I’m sorry, I can’t come to work tomorrow. I’m too stressed out from being stressed out.”

“Being an adult is like folding a fitted sheet: no matter how hard you try, it’s always a mess.”

“Stress is just confusion done at a faster pace.”

“If stress burnt calories, I’d be a supermodel by now.”

“Stressed is just desserts spelled backwards. I like where this is going.”

“Some days I wish I could go back in time and punch myself in the face for all the stress I caused.”

“Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday’s stresses.”

“My coping mechanism? Laughing at stress until it goes away or until I do.”

“Stress is my body’s way of saying, ‘I am way too popular, I need some alone time.'”

“I’m not lazy, I’m on energy-saving mode due to stress.”

“Stress: the condition created when the mind overrules the body’s strong urge to choke someone.”

“My stress level is like a watermelon: it varies from day to day and sometimes it explodes.”

“My stress level is at ‘I want to throw myself into a volcano’ today.”

“Sometimes I feel like my stress has its own Amazon Prime account. It arrives faster than anything else.”

“They should have stress rooms instead of break rooms at work. Just a place to scream into a pillow and cry for a bit.” HAPPY MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY QUOTES FOR SISTER

“Stress: the thing that turns my hair gray faster than time ever could.”

“My stress level is like a mood ring: constantly changing colors and utterly confusing everyone around me.”

“I’m not stressed, I’m just mentally preparing for the worst-case scenario.”

“Stress doesn’t really go away, it just takes small vacations to fool us into thinking it’s gone.”

“I’m having a ‘treat yo’self’ moment, except the treat is a panic attack.”

“Stress tip: Call in sick and spend the day eating pizza in bed.”

“Who needs therapy when you have chocolate and Netflix to cure all stress-related ailments?”

“Stress is my body’s way of telling me that I need to book a vacation ASAP.”

“I don’t always stress, but when I do, it consumes my entire being and makes me question everything.”

“My stress level is so high that I could single-handedly power a small city with the energy of my anxiety.”

“If stress was a person, I would punch them in the face… repeatedly.”

“Stress is like a blinker on a car: sometimes it’s on for no reason, sometimes it’s on for way too long.”

“I’m just trying to keep my stress levels in check, but they keep inviting their friends, exhaustion and anxiety, to the party.”