“I’m not a tree-hugger, I’m a tree-high-fiver!” – Unknown

“If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, is it still climate change?” – Unknown

“I’m so eco-friendly, I poop rainbows and recycle unicorns.” – Unknown

“I’m not just environmentally conscious, I’m eco-fabulous!” – Unknown

“Being green is not just a trend, it’s a lifestyle (and a super cool one too!).” – Unknown

“My recycling bin is basically a time machine for my empty wine bottles.” – Unknown

“I plant trees because I know one day money will grow on them.” – Unknown

“If everyone composted their ex’s, we’d have fewer landfill problems and more fertilized gardens.” – Unknown

“I always take short showers to save water, and by short, I mean one song long.” – Unknown

“I’m so green, my grass is jealous.” – Unknown

“I thought I was a good environmentalist until I realized I was using napkins made from sacrificed trees.” – Unknown

“I recycle because I want to be an old lady with a full set of teeth.” – Unknown

“Don’t be trashy, recycle and be sassy!” – Unknown

“My carbon footprint is so small, it’s like my shoes are made of feathers.” – Unknown TO BE A MOTHER OF A SON QUOTES

“I’m not just sustainable, I’m sass-tainable!” – Unknown

“The best kind of carbon to offset is a carb-on my plate.” – Unknown

“Who needs a gym membership when you can just turn off the lights and walk up the stairs?” – Unknown

“I fancy myself an eco-warrior, armed with a reusable shopping bag and the power of snarky comments.” – Unknown

“Save water, shower together… unless it’s with your cousin, that’s just weird.” – Unknown

“I’m not saying I’m a superhero, but I do conserve energy by spending most of my time in bed.” – Unknown

“If you’re not reusing your plastic grocery bags as trash can liners, are you even living sustainably?” – Unknown

“Reusing glass jars makes me feel like an artsy urban farmer with a penchant for pickles.” – Unknown

“Recycling: a legal way to stalk what your neighbors throw away.” – Unknown

“I’m so green, I fart chlorophyll.” – Unknown

“I’m just here for the snacks and the planet-saving glory.” – Unknown

“If my house catches fire, at least I know it’s made of recyclable materials.” – Unknown