“I’m not a teacher, I just have a large collection of classroom supplies.”

“I always give 100% in my job as a teacher. 10% on Monday, 20% on Tuesday, and so on…”

“Teaching is the only job where you can say you’re going to the bathroom and have 20 kids follow you.”

“Teaching is like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park.”

“I used to have a job at a bakery, but I couldn’t make enough dough.”

“Teaching is 50% lesson planning and 50% trying not to laugh at kids’ jokes.”

“Teaching is a tough job, but someone’s got to put up with all those adorable little rascals.”

“I teach because I love seeing the lightbulb moment. Plus, I need some excitement in my life.”

“I may be a teacher, but I’m also a master at making puns. You could say I’m a pun-dit.”

“Teaching is all about finding creative ways to say ‘sit down and be quiet.'”

“Being a teacher is like being a superhero, but with less pay and a whole lot more paperwork.”

“Who needs coffee when you have a class full of energized kids?”

“I’m not a regular teacher, I’m a cool teacher. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.”

“Teaching kindergarten is like herding cats, but with glitter and glue.” BITTER TAGALOG QUOTES ABOUT LOVE

“I teach because I haven’t won the lottery yet.”

“Teaching is my cardio. All those trips to the copier really get my heart pumping.”

“I’m like a stealth ninja teacher. I can spot a student texting from a mile away.”

“Teaching is like riding a bike. Except the bike is on fire and you’re on fire and everything is on fire.”

“I’m a teacher, not a magician. But sometimes it feels like magic when all my students turn in their homework on time.”

“Teaching is all fun and games until someone asks a ‘but why?’ question.”

“Being a teacher means having the patience of a saint and the sarcasm of a stand-up comedian.”

“Teaching is like trying to juggle 20 flaming torches while riding a unicycle. It’s all about finding balance.”

“I became a teacher because I love shaping minds and correcting grammar. There, their, they’re – it’s like a rollercoaster of emotions.”

“Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems.”

“Teaching is the only profession where you simultaneously want your students to succeed and not ask any questions.”

“I became a teacher because I believe in the power of education…and summers off.”

“Teaching is a workout – lifting textbooks, running late to meetings, and jumping to conclusions.”