“I don’t text and drive, I text and crash.”

“The only thing I’m passing these days is my driver’s test… on the third try.”

“My driving instructor told me I would pass with flying colors. He didn’t mention those colors would be red, yellow, and green.”

“Why drive cautiously when you can drive cruz-ily?”

“I have a lead foot, but a heavy wallet for all those speeding tickets.”

“I’m not a bad driver, I just have sudden bursts of high-speed enthusiasm.”

“I’m not speeding; I’m just driving faster than everyone else.”

“Why follow the rules of the road when you can make up your own?”

“I may not be the best driver, but I’m definitely a contender for the most creative parking jobs.”

“I parallel parked perfectly… between two cars on the opposite side of the street.”

“I learned how to drive from Mario Kart. So far, it’s been a smashing success.”

“My car gets great gas mileage – when it’s up on blocks in the driveway.” AZTEC QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“If driving were an Olympic sport, I’d definitely win the gold medal in parallel parking.”

“I may be old enough to drive, but I’m still young enough to find squealing tires and red lights exciting.”

“I asked my GPS for directions, and it replied, ‘I’m sorry, I can’t help you with your terrible sense of direction.'”

“Driving with your parents is the ultimate test of your acting skills.”

“Who needs rearview mirrors when you have blind optimism?”

“The only way to truly appreciate speed limits is to ignore them completely.”

“If I had a dollar for every time I had to refuel, I could probably afford a driver.”

“My car may be old, but it has character… and a tendency to break down at the most inconvenient times.”

“Hitting 100 followers on social media feels great, but hitting 100 mph in a car feels even better.”

“I’m not a reckless driver; I just have a unique interpretation of the rules of the road.”