“สวัสดีตอนเช้า ไปปู๊ดปลาม้า!”

(sà-wàt-dee dton-cháao, bpai bpûut bp-laa-máa!) – Hello in the morning, go catch a fish!

“ถ้าเราเป็นไก่ ก็จะหนีไปเดินตามถนน”

(thâa rao bpen gài, gôr jà něe bpai dern dtaam thà-nŏn) – If we were chickens, we would run away on the road.


(rao bpai plern plern gàp măa gin yâa) – Let’s go have fun with a dog eating grass.


(laawng gin gaaeng mài láew kít-thŭeng bàep chát-chát) – Try a new curry and think very clearly about it.


(khun bpai năi mâi ao ngern duay bpai thung fĕe-mŭea mài) – Wherever you go, don’t forget to bring your new skill bag.


(măa jà pùuk hăang dtìd jai) – A dog can win your heart by wagging its tail.

“หนูนั่งคุยกับมด แต่ไม่เคยฟังของหนูฟังเห็นของมด”

(nŏo nâng kui gàp mót, dtàe mâi koie fang kaung nŏo fang hĕn kaung mót) – The mouse talks to the ant, but the mouse never listens to what it says, only sees what it does.


(gin ngern dee gwàa meuuan líang sùnák) – Eating money is better than raising a dog.


(gài bin sŭung thîi rîak wâa gài thong raa-khaa phaeng mâak) – A high-flying chicken is called a golden chicken with a high price.


(gin grà-pao wăan geern bpai gôr dtông rúp phŏn thîi gaan rák-săa-ya thaaen) – If you eat too much sweet basil, you have to accept the consequences of treatment.

“ครุยเลี้ยงแมวมักอดด้วย แต่แมววิ่งออกไปก็ยืนหนี”

(kruuy líang măew mík òt duay, dtàe măew wîng àwk bpai gôr yeun nĭi) – People usually hug cats, but when the cat runs away, they stand aside.

“สวัสดีตอนเย็น ถ้าเธอเป็นมอฝรั่งจะไปรู้ใจ”

(sà-wàt-dee dton-yen, thâa túe bpen moh fà-ràng jà bpai rúu jai) – Hello in the evening, if you were a strawberry, I’d understand.

“ขนมปังอย่าบีบเกินไป จะรู้สึกเห็นที่ท้ายเรื่อง” I LOVE TO LEARN QUOTES

(khà-nŏm bpang yàa bìip geern bpai, jà rúu sêuk hĕn thîi tháai rêuang) – Don’t squeeze too much bread, or you’ll feel the end coming.

“พ่อบ่าวไม่รู้เลี้ยงลูก แต่ลูกครางหวานใจแม่”

(pôr-bàao mâi rúu líiang lûuk, dtàe lûuk kraang wăan jai mâe) – The father doesn’t know how to take care of his child, but the child sweetens the mother’s heart.

“ตัวเองอย่าคิดให้เล็กช้อย ให้คิดว่าเฮียเอ๋ยเล็กกว่าเลย”

(dtua eng yàa kít-hái lêk-chói, hâi kít wâa hĭa-ăo lék gwàa leoi) – Don’t think of yourself as insignificant, think that your spouse is even smaller.


(bpai thîao duay găn, yùt bpen bpuun) – Let’s go on vacation together, stop being a gun.

“สมศรีไปประชุม แต่โดนเอวกลับแนว”

(sŏm-sĕe bpai prá-chum, dtàe don eew glàp naaeo) – Somsri went to attend a meeting, but her waist turned back the other way.


(khăa lêuay nŏo lêuay) – The rat legs are sawed, the rat saws.


(khwăan gàe yùu nâa-lăang káo) – The sheep’s knife is in front and back.

“ตากดูหลุมแมงดา แต่ไม่เล่นนะครับ”

(dtaa gòo lŭm maaeng-daa, dtàe mâi lên ná khráp) – Look at the ant hole, but don’t play with it.

“เควายต้องเควายต้อง ควายไม่มีคำตอบ”

(khewaai dtông khewaai dtông, khwaai mâi mee kam-dtòrp) – Water buffalo must water buffalo, but the water buffalo does not have an answer.

“ปลาจะว่ายน้ำ โดนทอด”

(bp-laa jà wâai náam, don thôt) – Fish will swim, but get fried.


(thang-thìng thŏn dtua gan) – We pull ourselves off together.

“เรือไหว้ปลา ขึ้นพระจันทร์”

(rŭa wâi bp-laak, kêun prá-chan) – The boat worships the fish and rises to the moon.