“Tuesday is just Monday’s ugly sister.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: the day to remember all the things I didn’t get done on Monday.” – Unknown

“Tuesday is the day to remind yourself that you survived Monday, and you can conquer the rest of the week.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where we all try to convince ourselves that we’re just four days away from the weekend.” – Unknown

“Tuesday is the day I actually start doing the things I said I would do on Monday.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where coffee is the only thing that keeps you from becoming a permanent resident of your desk.” – Unknown

“Tuesday is like a math problem. Add the annoyance of Monday and multiply it by the workload of Wednesday.” – Unknown

“If you think Tuesdays are boring, just remember they’re definitely better than Mondays!” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where I pretend to have my life together until someone asks me a question.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The lightning round of the weekdays.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where you can tell yourself, ‘At least it’s not Monday anymore!'” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where I always forget what day it is and have to double-check.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where I refuse to believe the weekend is really over.” – Unknown

“Tuesday is the day I start drafting my resignation letter in my head.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where you realize that you probably should have done something on Monday, but now you’ve missed the deadline.” – Unknown POSITIVE BIBLE QUOTES FOR THE DAY

“On Tuesdays, I like to pretend I’m a well-rested, productive adult. Then reality hits.” – Unknown

“Coffee, because it’s Tuesday and pretending to be awake is hard work.” – Unknown

“Tuesday is the day to remind yourself that it’s okay to have a little fun in the midst of your workweek chaos.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where I give up on my diet and eat the office donuts.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where I try to convince myself that working out tonight will make up for not working out yesterday.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where I vow to be more productive, then get distracted by a cat video.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where I convince myself that if I do enough work, I can escape the crushing disappointment of reality.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where I have a mental breakdown and then have to remind myself that it’s only Tuesday.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where my to-do list laughs at me and multiplies.” – Unknown

“On Tuesdays, I dance awkwardly between ‘I’ve got this’ and ‘What the hell am I doing?'” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where I wish I could teleport to Friday.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where I question all my life choices while pretending to be productive.” – Unknown

“Tuesday: The day where I count down the minutes until happy hour.” – Unknown