“Unemployment is the leading cause of sleep deprivation. Who needs an alarm clock when you have bills to pay?”

“I’m on a whiskey diet – I’ve lost three days already.”

“I used to have a job at a calendar factory, but I got fired because I took a couple of days off!”

“I’m not unemployed, I’m just on a career break… It’s only been 10 years so far.”

“Unemployment is like a full-time job, just without the paycheck.”

“Job searching is just browsing the internet with a suit on.”

“Unemployment is my full-time job now, and I must say, the pay is terrible!”

“Unemployment: the time where you master the art of scrolling through social media without getting caught.”

“The only job I’m qualified for right now is being a professional nap-taker.”

“The great thing about unemployment is that every day is casual Friday.”

“I’m not unemployed, I’m a full-time job seeker with a flexible schedule.”

“Unemployment is a great time for self-discovery…and binge-watching Netflix.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT TRUST

“Job application tip: Always lie about your ability to work under pressure. Nobody needs to know that you panic when the Wi-Fi goes out.”

“Unemployment is like a free trial of retirement, but without the savings.”

“I applied for a job as a test dummy, but they said I wasn’t qualified.”

“Being unemployed is great for the environment – I’ve reduced my carbon footprint by staying in bed all day.”

“Why work when you can stress about not having a job instead?”

“Unemployment is just a fancy way of saying I have an extended vacation, without the vacation pay.”

“I’ve become an expert at filling out job applications. Too bad I haven’t mastered the getting-hired part yet.”

“The only bright side of unemployment is that I get to dress up as a professional couch potato every day.”

“Unemployment is proof that even in the job market, rejection doesn’t discriminate.”

“I lost my job as a mechanic, so now I’m just fixing things on my Sims game.”