“Volleyball: where getting spiked in the face is a badge of honor.”

“I don’t always play volleyball, but when I do, I crush it.”

“My serve may not always be flawless, but at least I can consistently hit the ball over the net.”

“I don’t trust people who don’t like volleyball. They’re probably just setters.”

“Volleyball is like life: sometimes you get the perfect set, and sometimes you end up diving face-first into the sand.”

“You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy new volleyball shoes, and that’s pretty close.”

“My volleyball skills are so good, I could probably hit a ball with my eyes closed. Not that I would recommend it.”

“I’m not single, I’m just waiting for a volleyball player who can match my level of intensity on the court.”

“Volleyball: the only sport where ‘a good pass’ is a compliment, and ‘getting stuffed’ is an insult.”

“My volleyball coach told me to ‘dig deep.’ So, I started digging in the sand during games. Needless to say, it didn’t help.”

“I may not be the tallest on the team, but I make up for it with my fierce vertical… or maybe just by being really loud.”

“They say too much practice can make perfect, but all I know is that it’s made my serves way harder to return.”

“I like my spikes like I like my coffee: strong and straight to the face of my opponents.”

“My volleyball strategy is simple: hit it hard, aim for the weaknesses, and always look good doing it.”

“My favorite part of volleyball is watching the other team’s faces as we smash the ball and their dreams.” YOU ARE NOT ONLY MY SISTER QUOTES

“If volleyball was easy, they’d call it football.”

“I don’t need a knight in shining armor. I need a volleyball player with a killer serve.”

“Life is better when you’re playing volleyball. It’s even better when you’re winning.”

“My serve may not be consistent, but at least it’s unpredictable.”

“Volleyball is the perfect combination of grace and chaos. Just like me on the court.”

“I only have one rule on the volleyball court: no ball shall touch the ground without a fight.”

“Volleyball: the sport that turns your bruises into badges of honor.”

“I may not play volleyball professionally, but I’m pretty sure I could be a professional cheerleader for my own team.”

“There’s no ‘I’ in team, but there’s definitely a ‘U’ in my volleyball accomplishments.”

“I’ve never met a volleyball player who can resist the temptation to yell ‘mine’ at every ball.”

“Volleyball is my therapy. Spike therapy, that is.”

“I’ve been told that my serve is a work of art. If that’s true, then I must be Picasso on the volleyball court.”

“I don’t always win at volleyball, but when I do, it’s because I serve up some serious awesomeness.”