“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the wettest of them all?”

“I’m like a water pond, reflecting all the silliness life throws at me!”

“Water reflections may show my flaws, but they also hide my bad hair days!”

“I’m not just a pretty face, I’m a pretty water reflection.”

“I’m a master at Water-Gram, the art of capturing the perfect water reflection selfie!”

“When life gives you water, make funny reflections!”

“I may not be a mirror, but I still show you a good hair day!”

“My water reflection is the only one who understands my true depth… and bad puns.”

“Reflection, reflection in the lake, who’s the goofiest of them all?”

“I always make sure to reflect on my funny side in the water!”

“Life is like a water reflection, it’s inverted and sometimes a bit distorted!” QUOTE ABOUT ARROGANT PERSON

“Why worry about my looks when the water reflection shows me how fabulous I am!”

“Water reflections don’t judge, they just make me look hilarious!”

“My water reflection is always on fleek… well, except on windy days!”

“If life is a reflection, make sure you reflect the funny side!”

“I love water reflections, they always make me laugh at myself!”

“They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but sometimes the water reflection is the gateway to laughter!”

“Water, water everywhere, reflecting all the funny moments I share!”

“You can’t help but smile at a silly water reflection… it’s like a mirror of joy!”

“I’m a water reflection expert – I can make the most serious person crack a smile!”