“I love summer, it’s my favorite day of the year!”

“Forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.”

“I don’t mind the weather as long as I have my coffee.”

“Who needs the weatherman when you have a window?”

“I like my weather like I like my coffee – hot and unpredictable.”

“I don’t understand weather forecasts – they just make up numbers!”

“Weather forecast for today: hot, with a 99% chance of me avoiding any form of physical activity.”

“I always carry an umbrella to protect me from the tears of the clouds.”

“Weatherman’s excuse: The weather is unpredictable… Well, isn’t that your job?”

“I love how the weather is a great conversation starter when you have nothing else to say.”

“Weather forecast for today: partly sunny with a 100% chance of sarcasm.”

“Meteorologists: the only profession where you can be wrong 90% of the time and still have a job.”

“In the winter, I’m like a snowflake – unique, delicate, and completely lost in the crowd.”

“Does anyone else see clouds in their coffee?”

“Weather forecast for today: cold enough to freeze the smiles off people’s faces.” I FEEL CUTE QUOTES

“I don’t trust weather professionals. They’re the only ones who can be wrong every day and still get paid.”

“Weather forecast: windy with a chance of annoyance.”

“I’m not a weather forecaster, but I can tell you this: it’s going to be either hot or cold.”

“I’m so cold, I’m considering moving to the equator and wrapping myself in a solar blanket.”

“Weather forecast: expect lots of sunshine and a 100% chance of me staying indoors.”

“The weather is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get, but you’ll most likely end up regretting it.”

“I love rainy days because they give me an excuse to stay in bed and be unproductive.”

“The weatherman got it wrong again? Shocking! It’s almost like predicting the unpredictable is impossible.”

“Don’t like the weather? Wait five minutes, it’ll change.”

“Weather is a great metaphor for life – sometimes it’s sunny, sometimes it’s stormy, but eventually, it all clears up.”

“I can handle any weather as long as I have my cozy sweater and a cup of hot cocoa.”

“Weather forecast: a 100% chance of me staying in bed all day.”

“Weatherman’s motto: If you don’t like the forecast, blame it on technology!”