“Friends come and go, but pizza is forever.”

“A true friend is someone who never judges your questionable life choices, but instead joins in and makes them even more questionable.”

“I don’t need therapy, I have my friends who are just as crazy as me.”

“Friends don’t let friends do stupid things… alone.”

“I may not always be there with you, but I will always be there to laugh at you.”

“Friends are like bras, close to your heart and always there to support you.”

“Finding friends with the same weirdness level as you? Priceless.”

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'”

“I don’t need a psychiatrist, I just need my friends to listen and agree with my crazy ideas.”

“Friends understand your past, believe in your future, and accept your weirdness.”

“You don’t have to be crazy to be my friend, but it definitely helps.” OMAR KHAYYAM QUOTES ABOUT FRIENDSHIP

“True friends are the ones who help you hide the body… and never ask any questions.”

“I don’t have a group of friends, I have a circus.”

“Weirdness is just a side effect of awesome friendship.”

“A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, ‘Damn, that was fun!'”

“Friends buy you food. Best friends eat your food.”

“Friends don’t let friends do embarrassing dances alone.”

“Life is too short to have boring friends.”

“People say that laughter is the best medicine. Well, my friends are my pharmacies.”

“A true friend is someone who thinks that you have a great sense of humor, even when you’re being weird and ridiculous.”

“Best friends are the ones who can insult each other endlessly and know it’s all in good fun.”