“A work bestie is like a superhero without a cape. They save you from boring meetings and make Mondays bearable.”

“Work would be so boring without you. I guess I should thank our boss for hiring you!”

“We may not be getting paid to be friends, but you’re worth every penny.”

“We may not have HR’s approval, but we’re definitely the unofficial fun committee.”

“I’m not a morning person, but working with you makes me hate mornings a little less.”

“Work would be so lonely without you. Who else would I complain about the coffee machine to?”

“You’re my favorite coworker because you’re equally as lazy as me.”

“I wish there was an award for ‘Best Work Besties,’ because we would definitely win.”

“Our inside jokes are the glue that holds this office together.”

“I don’t care if we’re both stuck on the same project for eternity, as long as I have you by my side.”

“You make work feel like play, and it’s the best kind of illusion.”

“Sometimes I wonder if we actually work or just pretend to look busy while having fun.”

“Work is hard, but having you as a bestie makes it a little easier to bear.”

“If the office were a sitcom, we would definitely be the hilarious duo that steals the show.” NEW YEAR QUOTES SELF LOVE

“We may not have chosen each other as coworkers, but we definitely chose each other as friends.”

“Work besties: the secret weapon against office blues.”

“You’re the reason I actually look forward to coming in to work every day.”

“They say laughter is the best medicine. Clearly, we’re the healthiest employees around.”

“I’m convinced you have a PhD in workplace shenanigans.”

“They say teamwork makes the dream work, but humor makes the office bearable.”

“Co-workers come and go, but work besties are stayers.”

“If being friends was against company policy, we’d both be fired by now.”

“We don’t need an office romance; we have a work friendship that’s stronger than any flirtation.”

“You’re my go-to person for venting about work drama and celebrating small victories.”

“Our work banter is the highlight of my day. Who needs caffeine when we have each other?”

“We should start a comedy club at our workplace, because we sure know how to make each other laugh.”

“Cheers to being colleagues and friends. Life’s just better with you in it.”