“Is tusa mo chuisle, mo chroí agus mo chlann.”

(You are my pulse, my heart, and my family.)

“Tá mo chlann mo chroí.”

(My family is my heart.)

“Ní dhéanfaidh mé dearmad ar mo chlann riamh.”

(I will never forget my family.)

“Is é mo theaghlach mo chúis bróid.”

(My family is my pride.)

“Níl aon lá atá níos deireanaí ná an lá nuair a bhíonn an clann le chéile.”

(There is no later day than the day the family is together.)

“Is tú mo thuismitheoirí, mo dheartháireacha agus mo deirfiúracha.”

(You are my parents, my brothers, and my sisters.)

“Is é an teaghlach an croílár den saol.”

(Family is the heart of life.)

“Níl aon rud sa saol níos tabhachtaí ná an grá agus an tsoláthar ón teaghlach.”

(Nothing in life is more important than the love and support from family.)

“Mura mbíonn ciall agat laistigh den teaghlach, níl ciall le fáil i bhfad uait.”

(If you don’t have sense within the family, you won’t find sense far away.)

“Mura bhfuil tú in éineacht leis an teaghlach, tá tú i do chontrárthacht leis an saol.”

(If you’re not with the family, you’re in opposition to life.)

“Mura bhfuil grá agat don teaghlach, níl tú ach ag dul thart san saol.”

(If you don’t have love for the family, you’re just passing through life.)

“Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.”

(People live in each other’s shadow.)

“Tús maith, leath na hoibre.” 3-5 WORD QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

(A good start is half the work.)

“Níl ach neart ag an teaghlach.”

(There is only strength in the family.)

“Ag cur seacht n-oidhche le chéile.”

(Spending seven nights together.)

“Tá mé in ann a bheith furasta, mar tá sinn chomh fada le chéile.”

(I can be at ease, because we are together.)

“Is fearr an tsláinte ná na táinte.”

(Health is better than wealth.)

“Is minic a bhris béal duine a shrón.”

(Many a person broke their nose by talking too much.)

“Muintir an bhaile.”

(People of the home.)

“Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin.”

(There’s no hearth like your own hearth.)

“Mura dtuigeann tú cainteoirí dúchasacha, tú an tsagart briste.”

(If you don’t understand native speakers, you’re a broken priest.)

“Maireann croí éadrom i bhfad.”

(A light heart lives long.)

“Caithfidh an té a labhraíonn Gaeilge bheith amuigh faoin aer.”

(One who speaks Irish must be out in the open.)

“Is é an mháthair an buachailleen a bhaintear as fiabhras.”

(The mother is the little boy who is saved from fever.)