Here are some iconic quotes by Bill the Butcher, played by Daniel Day-Lewis, in the movie “Gangs of New York”:

“Thank God I die a true American.”

“You see this knife? I’m gonna teach you to speak English with this fucking knife!”

“The blood stays on the blade.”

“You ain’t worth the blood that runs in your veins.”

“People look to me to solve their problems. To fight when others can’t. To make them see things they can’t. And they know I’ll spill the blood if I have to. That I’ll return their love with love of my own.”

“You know how I stayed alive this long? Fear. Fear of the knife. Fear of the gun. Fear of the rope. But the thing I fear most is the indifference of good men.”

“You have ears. Listen.”

“Cut the dead weight and reapportion the labor.”

“It’s in honor of the great Irish victory over the bloody English.”

“Don’t you never stand for that sort of thing. Someone ever tries to kill you, you try and kill ’em right back!”

“I don’t give a tuppenny fuck about your moral conundrum, you meat-headed shit-sack.”

“You see, Amsterdam, you’re still a fucking Catholic. Anybody worth shootin’, is worth shootin’ twice.”

“Learn from a butcher, a real butcher this time.” HELPFUL RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“A man’s life depends upon the width of a span.”

“Good things flow to the good, as well might you say. Hell’s full of the unexceptional.”

“A man bears his soul like a pariah dog.”

“The true strength of a man is in the size of the smile of the woman sitting next to him.”

“The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.”

“A dog’s got loyalty. And we’re grateful. They’re like that. But a cat, he’s got his own mind. He don’t care about nothin’. And that’s why I’ll always prefer a dog to a cat.”

“The savage remains a savage.”

“I just like the company of them that fear.”

“People die in this bloody place.”

“I don’t pollute my blood unless it’s with the blood of a fighting man like yourself.”

“I don’t kill children. But if you want them slaughtered, then I’ll go out and kill them.”

“Believe me, son, in this world there’s nothing half so deadly as a weapon that’s mighty and a mite too long.”

“One good thing about being butchered, kid, ya end up with a pole up your ass and a stretch of pavement named after you.”