Here are 10 funny gangsta quotes:

“I put the ‘lit’ in gangsta and the ‘fun’ in funeral.”

“I’m so gangsta, I make onions cry.”

“My wit is sharper than a drive-by shooter’s aim.”

“I’m too gangsta for my own good, but hey, someone’s gotta be.”

“I’m not a player, I just crush a lot… of candy in Candy Crush.”

“I’m so gangsta, my middle name should be ‘Get Outta My Way’.”

“I keep it classy, even when I’m wearing saggy pants.”

“I’m the type to stand out in a crowd, especially if it’s a lineup.”

“I’m the ultimate gangsta chef – I put the ‘sizzle’ in my bacon.”

“I’m so gangsta, my Sunday mornings start with champagne and Cheetos.”

Here are 7 more gangsta quotes:

“I’m a gangsta in the streets and a chef in the kitchen. Don’t mess with me or my culinary skills.”

“I’m a multitasking gangsta – I can shoot a man and take a selfie at the same time.”

“Life’s too short to take everything seriously. That’s why I add a touch of gangsta to my humor.” FAMOUS JEWISH QUOTES ABOUT FRIENDSHIP

“I don’t need a hug, I need a bag full of cash.”

“If I were a rapper, my name would be ‘MC Sarcasm’ – dropping beats and witty comebacks every day.”

“I may look tough, but on the inside, I’m softer than a marshmallow.”

“My bank account may be empty, but my confidence is always overflowing.”

“If kindness is a crime, consider me the baddest gangsta on the block.”

“I’m the reason the G in gangsta stands for ‘genius’.”

“I’m so gangsta, even my refrigerator has street cred.”

Here are 7 additional gangsta quotes:

“I’m a boss, not just a gangsta – I make moves and never look back.”

“I don’t need an alarm clock to wake up, I have my own gangsta instincts.”

“I’m so gangsta, I blow bubbles with my chewing gum like it’s a weapon.”

“I’m so cool, ice cubes get jealous when I enter the room.”

Please note that these quotes are meant to be funny and light-hearted. They should not be taken seriously or promote harmful behavior.