“God is not distant, but ever-present in every moment of our lives.”

“God’s love for us is limitless and boundless, beyond our comprehension.”

“In the presence of God, all worries and fears fade away.”

“God’s grace is abundant, renewing us each day.”

“God’s power is unmatched, able to move mountains and change lives.”

“God’s faithfulness endures through every trial and tribulation.”

“God’s wisdom encompasses all knowledge and understanding.”

“God’s mercy is endless, offering forgiveness and redemption to all.”

“God’s light shines through the darkest of times, guiding and comforting us.”

“God’s peace surpasses all understanding, providing serenity in troubled times.”

“God’s strength empowers us to overcome any obstacles in our path.”

“God’s presence brings joy and fulfillment to our lives.”

“God’s miracles are evidence of His mighty works in our world.” FATHER QUOTES URDU

“God’s plan for us is perfect, leading us to our purpose and destiny.”

“God’s Word is a lamp to guide our steps and a source of eternal truth.”

“God’s character is holy, righteous, and pure, setting the ultimate standard.”

“God’s justice ensures that right will prevail and wrong will be punished.”

“God’s love is unconditional, embracing every person regardless of their flaws.”

“God’s creation displays His beauty and majesty, reminding us of His glory.”

“God’s promises are unchanging and trustworthy, giving us hope for the future.”

“God’s grace and mercy triumph over judgment, offering second chances.”

“God’s abundance provides for all our needs, both spiritual and physical.”

“God’s timing is perfect, orchestrating every event in our lives for our good.”

“God’s invitation to know Him is open to all, inviting us into a relationship with Him.”